Thursday, April 28, 2011

Wild Fires Impacting Area

Fire Fighter in Prathersville

Prathersville, Pa-The spell of hot, dry weather that has held the area in its grasp for the last few weeks is taking its toll on the grasslands and firefighters.

Saturday, in the wake of 15-to-25 mph winds and a high temperature of 99 degrees, fire protection agencies from across the area responded to 16 calls.

“The largest of those was a 25-acre grass fire on Peabody Road north of Prathersville and west of Route 19. Paramedics treated on site at least five of 35 fire fighters for heat exhaustion,” Prathersville Fire Chief Debra Schuster said.

Three more of the heavily clad firefighters were hospitalized for heat exhaustion; two of them were flown to Springfield Hospital by helicopter. All were treated for about one hour and released.

Dennis Sapp, fire captain of Peabody Station No. 1, said the blaze at Peabody Road, which burned out of control for an hour before it was contained, probably was started by a trash fire. The blaze endangered some nearby farmland and its barn but was extinguished before anything other than grass was burned.

Schuster said, “Fires like the one on Peabody Road had been occurring all day, especially in the northern part of the city and county.” Schuster said, “Some of the fires could have been the work of an arsonist, but careless burning was a more likely cause.”

“We don’t have any evidence there is an arsonist,” Schuster said. “We sure hope we don’t have someone running around starting fires on purpose, but there is that possibility.”

School Board Debate Over Year Round Schooling

Lenior--Residents of the town met to discuss concerns that senior citizens had about year round schooling and its effects on the wallet.

School board candidates took opposing stands on the proposal Tuesday night at the Lenior Retirement Community Center.

Several believed that the plan for a 12-month school year would eliminate the use of trailers that boarded the surplus students. Others proclaimed that the new schedule would be more expensive, and put different schools on different schedules.

School board candidate Henry Lane discussed his approval of year round schooling. When asked how year round schooling could improve the school, Lane said, "it would reduce the need for trailers."

Candidate Larry Doman said that his main concerns are eliminating overcrowding and increasing teachers' salaries.

Elton Fay believed that if year round schooling was put into effect, it would eliminate the need for trailers.

School Board Candidates debate at Lenior Retirement Community Center

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Fresno Pacific Advances In NAIA Tournament

Tulsa, Ok- In the first round of the NAIA Division 1 Basketball Tournament, Fresno Pacific defeated Springfield College 81-56.

The game began with each team exchanging baskets, keeping the score relatively close. Midway through the contest, the game remained fairly close as Fresno Pacific was leading only by nine point.

Lead by Moore and Amundson, the Fresno Pacific team came out at halftime and steadily began to pull away from Springfield.

"When we left the locker room at halftime, I believe we had a different mentality. We knew we were so much better than Springfield, but didn't really show it during the first half," said Moore. "I believe we came back out in the second half and proved to everyone that we are a force in this tournament."

After the game I spoke with Springfield Coach Rick Pouncey who said, "Coming into this game we were the underdogs. Obviously the game did not turn out the way we wanted to, but my boys put forth a great effort and did not give up. "

Players on each squad made a strong contribution to their teams. Leading the way for Fresno Pacific was Kareem Moore with 24 points and Ty Amundson with 18 points. The top performer for Springfield was Muldrow with 20 points

Fire At Local Race Track

SPRINGFIELD -- Arson is suspected in a wild barn blaze that killed 13 thoroughbred and two saddle horses at the Lincoln Downs Race Track here early this morning.

Ten horses escaped the inferno, two with their back set on fire.Only charred wooden supports remained of the barn, which burned from 4 a.m. till about noon.

Fire officials are focusing their investigation on the middle of the barn. According to assistant track manager Dan Bucci electrical outlets and heaters are located at the end of the barn. Fire officials are considering arson in their investigation.

Saddened by this catastrophe was jockey Albert Ramos, who when asked about his relationship with the horses said, "the horses were his best friends and that he loved horses more than people."

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Local Shooting Leaves Officer Dead

Photograph: Officer Bradley Thomas ArnOfficer Bradley Arn

St. Joseph, MO----A shooting rampage has left a police officer and the gunman dead, while leaving three others wounded yesterday near 22nd and Frederick streets.

Police officer Bradley Arn, who responded to the scene, was killed when the gunman fired seven shots into the officer’s car. A fatal shot was fired into the back of the officer’s head.

The gunman was killed shortly after by Sgt. Billy Miller.

Officer Connors said the gunman was first spotted headed south towards Calvary Church wearing a Mohawk and camouflage clothing. He was also seen carrying a high powered semi-automatic rifle, a loaded shotgun and a knife. Fingerprints determined identify him.

This is a rare sight for the town of St. Joseph. The last time an officer was shot was in 1991. The last time there was a shooting in the line of duty was in 1944.

Several witnesses said they saw a man with a Mohawk firing down Calhoun Street at a police car.

Witness Roger Liberty was talking on the phone on his back porch when he heard the shots. He explained upon hearing this, he rushed upstairs to grab his rifle, knowing that he had to protect his family.

There will be a press conference tomorrow about the event.

Football Injuries

REDMON, CA- Pete Stenhoff was once a 210-pound linebacker for Chula Vista High School who enjoyed playing football. His playing days ended unexpectedly two years ago when he rammed his helmet in the chest of a ball carrier cracking vertebrae in his neck. He hasn’t walked since.

Stenhoff's case is one of 20,000 football related injuries that take place in America annually. Like Stenhoff, nearly 2,400 players are left disabled from their injury. He is more fortunate than others. Thirteen players died last year as a result of a football injury.

Everyone knows that football is a dangerous sport, but injuries are not intended to happen. Many critics place the blame for the 7,000 annual neck and head injuries on the helmet design. Their concerns being that there is not enough support of the brain upon impact

Stenhoff was not able to graduate with his class, but he continues take correspondence courses in order to obtain his diploma. Despite suffering a life- changing injury, he is not bitter. “I knew the risks before I decided to play, but I wish I would have known just how bad it could be.”

Friday, April 22, 2011

Retired Air Force Veteran Dies At 67

Lache during his tenure in the Air Force

Springfield –U.S. Lt. Col. Ronald H. Lache passed away Monday at his home after suffering a long battle with lung cancer.

Lt. Col. Lache was born on November 3, 1943, to Harry and Thelma Curry Lache in Philadelphia. After spending many years in the U.S. Air Force, he retired then moved to Springfield five years ago with his family from Dayton, Ohio.

Lache was also a member of the Newman Center and the Rock Bridge Lions Club located here in Springfield, where it was known that everyone loved being in his company. Friends say that there was never a dull moment when Ronald was around.

Earlier this year, Lache lost his wife. While driving through a thunderstorm, his wife's car skid out of control and crashed into an oncoming car.

He is survived by his mother, Thelma Lache of Springfield; son, Ronald Lache of Springfield; three daughters, Barbara Ann Peck of Dayton, Ohio, Patrice Louis Wylie of Indianapolis, Indiana, Cynthia Lache of San Mateo, Calif.; one granddaughter Jennifer Peck of Springfield.

The viewing will take place at 7 p.m. Wednesday at the Parker Funeral Service located at 606 Washington Ave. in Springfield. The funeral will be 2 p.m. Friday at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.