Saturday, April 23, 2011

Football Injuries

REDMON, CA- Pete Stenhoff was once a 210-pound linebacker for Chula Vista High School who enjoyed playing football. His playing days ended unexpectedly two years ago when he rammed his helmet in the chest of a ball carrier cracking vertebrae in his neck. He hasn’t walked since.

Stenhoff's case is one of 20,000 football related injuries that take place in America annually. Like Stenhoff, nearly 2,400 players are left disabled from their injury. He is more fortunate than others. Thirteen players died last year as a result of a football injury.

Everyone knows that football is a dangerous sport, but injuries are not intended to happen. Many critics place the blame for the 7,000 annual neck and head injuries on the helmet design. Their concerns being that there is not enough support of the brain upon impact

Stenhoff was not able to graduate with his class, but he continues take correspondence courses in order to obtain his diploma. Despite suffering a life- changing injury, he is not bitter. “I knew the risks before I decided to play, but I wish I would have known just how bad it could be.”

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