Saturday, April 23, 2011

Local Shooting Leaves Officer Dead

Photograph: Officer Bradley Thomas ArnOfficer Bradley Arn

St. Joseph, MO----A shooting rampage has left a police officer and the gunman dead, while leaving three others wounded yesterday near 22nd and Frederick streets.

Police officer Bradley Arn, who responded to the scene, was killed when the gunman fired seven shots into the officer’s car. A fatal shot was fired into the back of the officer’s head.

The gunman was killed shortly after by Sgt. Billy Miller.

Officer Connors said the gunman was first spotted headed south towards Calvary Church wearing a Mohawk and camouflage clothing. He was also seen carrying a high powered semi-automatic rifle, a loaded shotgun and a knife. Fingerprints determined identify him.

This is a rare sight for the town of St. Joseph. The last time an officer was shot was in 1991. The last time there was a shooting in the line of duty was in 1944.

Several witnesses said they saw a man with a Mohawk firing down Calhoun Street at a police car.

Witness Roger Liberty was talking on the phone on his back porch when he heard the shots. He explained upon hearing this, he rushed upstairs to grab his rifle, knowing that he had to protect his family.

There will be a press conference tomorrow about the event.

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